Signs of Stroke in Men and Women

A stroke is an interruption in the blood supply of your brain. It can be caused by a sudden blockage of your arteries or by a burst blood vessel which bleeds into the brain. Each year 15 million people suffer from a stroke and almost 7 million will die from it....

Seniors Don’t Play Second Fiddle to Anyone

By Chris Draper – March 25, 2024 Music is older then any of us and yet some of us have never had or taken the opportunity to learn how to play music. Playing a musical instrument is a very beneficial senior passion. Frank Iacono has been playing violin since he...

Never Too Old To Make a Dream Come True!

By Meredith White -March 6, 2024 Many of us spend most of our lives working hard and playing when we can. Then we look forward to retirement so we can focus on what we really like to do. For many of us retiring at a mandated age seems ridiculous because we are still...
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