By Meredith White -October 23, 2017

Our mothers may have told us a lot of things over the years but they definitely left a lot out! Most of the things they didn’t discuss had to do with getting older. When they were growing up women didn’t talk about age or even admit to getting older. But as we’ve aged we’ve come upon our own pieces of wisdom and just in case your mother never told you these things, we’re telling you now:
Tips From Mom
- Invest in a GOOD bra – you’ll thank me later when you wonder why life is lower.
- Carry less than 40 pounds in your purse – your shoulders will thank me later.
- If someone says sorry forgive them – forgiveness sets you free.
- Make eye contact with people and remember their names (if your brain will let you).
- Men stay boys all their lives – no explanation needed.
- Stay curious about people, life and the planet.
- Navel piercings and tattoos are for the young!
- Pay attention to your feet – after 50 they fight back!
- Age is an attitude – keep a positive outlook no matter what.
- It’s never too late to learn something new.
- Work hard and stay in shape – it will help you as you get older.
- How much money you have doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make you a better person.
- You don’t need as much sleep as you think you do.
- Men have a ‘goof’ gene. Every man has it and it only gets worse as they age.
- There are regrets for your kids when you get divorced.
- Put your own needs before the needs of your family and you will be a better wife and mother.
- The joys of hot-flashes and mood swings.
- How to celebrate being an empty nester (or close to).
Each of these statements is a story onto itself.
I’m sure most women out there could add many more to this list.