About Us
Trusted Senior Placement, Inc. exists to assist Seniors and their families in identifying their needs and making an appropriate and successful placement in the care community.
Trusted Senior Placement, Inc. was founded by Teresa Jepsen, M.A, as a response to the growing need to connect Seniors with high quality care placement options. Teresa has a Master’s Degree in Gerontology and offers nearly two decades of experience in the professional care community.
Teresa is a Professional Geriatric Care Manager. She is a former owner and Administrator of a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) and was a regular consultant and staff trainer for a number of RCFE’s in the Orange County area over the last 10 years. She has been an instructor for three RCFE licensing schools preceding the launch of Trusted Senior Placement, Inc. Recently Teresa resigned from a fourteen year adjunct teaching position at Vanguard University to grow the services of TSP, Inc.

Peter and Marie Rose Asbjornsen-Jepsen
During graduate school Teresa experienced and observed first hand the challenges of personal care and commitment to an aging loved one as she helped care for her husband’s grandmother, Marie Rose Jepsen.
During Marie’s last days she had to enter a care facility. Life sometimes leads in interesting ways. After Marie’s passing, Teresa then joined the facility’s professional staff. She considers it an honor to assist other families in their journey of care for their loved one.
Seniors & Families Deserve More
Seniors and their families deserve more than a cold call to a referral agency producing a mega fax list of their personal information to numerous facilities. The only criteria for the agency may be solely that these facilities possess a “license” to operate. You deserve a professional assessment of your loved one, true facility evaluations, and a qualified rating of the care and compatibility of both resident and facilities. This cannot be accomplished by simply relying on the existence of an LIC state operating number.
What is the right time to consider a senior placement?
There are warning signs that a senior is at risk, and needs supervision and assistance. Some of the areas to be on the alert about are: bathing, dressing, grooming, medications, laundry, and housekeeping. Are these issues being compromised? Is the Senior physically frail, at risk for falls? Is the Senior vulnerable to being taken financial advantage of by such people as door to door handymen and contractors, gardeners/landscapers, doing unnecessary jobs or charging exorbitant rates? Could the Senior be coerced into giving away money or personal items? Is there a chance the Senior would unwittingly allow strangers into the home thereby being victimized by robbery or abuse? These are just some of the factors to consider.
Which type of facility is appropriate for my loved one?
Click this link for a detailed Comparison of Care Placement Options and other alternatives.